My work is highly interdisciplinary, drawing on environmental philosophy, ethnoecology, and urban ecology. Topics that are explored in my classes include food ethics, the relationship between linguistic and cultural diversity and ecological knowledge, environmental ethics, plural epistemologies, animal ethics, philosophy of technology, energy and urban sustainability.
My research focuses specifically on addressing gaps between epistemological frameworks, such as appreciation between technoscientific values and indigenous communities. Examples include the need to translate the value of heirloom seeds and the traditional ecological knowledge needed for sustainable agricultural systems to the standard practices within global industrial agricultural systems and through my critique of the UN Sustainable Development Goals for overlooking the role of ecological values and local culture in developing sustainable practices (Poole 2019). This is part of my larger theoretical critique which explores the relationship between our values and ecological knowledge with the institutions, technologies and infrastructure that frame our daily lives.
I am a long-term collaborator with the Sub-Antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program located in Southern Chile, the Center for Environmental Philosophy based out of the University of North Texas, and the international StarCore Nuclear which focuses on small modular reactors to provide full spectrum (power, water, heat) services for remote communities.
My CV is available for download HERE.
Tauro, A, J. Ojeda, T. Caviness, K. P. Moses, R. Moreno-Terrazas, T. Wright, D. Zhu, A. K. Poole, F. Massardo, and R. Rozzi. "Field Environmental Philosophy: A Biocultural Ethic Approach to Education and Ecotourism for Sustainability." Sustainability 13, no. 8 (2020): 4526.
Rozzi, R., F. Massardo and A. Poole. “The “3Hs” of the Biocultural Ethic: A ‘Philosophical Lens’ to Address Global Changes in the Anthropocene.” In Luca Valera and Juan Carlos Castilla, eds. Global Changes: Ethics, Politics and Environment in the Contemporary Technological World. Springer: 2020: 153-170.
Poole, A. “Environmental Philosophy and the City,” Meagher, Sharon M., Samantha Noll, and Joseph S. Biehl. The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of the City. Routledge, 2019. Invited Chapter. pp. 335-352.
Poole, A. “The U.N. Sustainable Development Goals and the Biocultural Heritage Lacuna: Where is Goal Number 18?,” Volume 3: Ecology and Ethics Series, eds. R. Rozzi, S.T.A. Pickett, C. Palmer, J.J. Armesto, J.B. Callicott. Netherlands: Springer, Invited Book Chapter., (October 2018).
Poole, A. “Where is Goal #18? The Need for Biocultural Heritage within the UN Sustainable Development Goals,” Environmental Values, Volume 27, Number 1, February 2018, pp. 55-80(26)
McHale, Melissa R.; Steward T.A. Pickett, Olga Barbosa, David N Bunn, Mary L. Cadenasso, Dan L. Childers, Meredith Gartin, George Hess, David M. Iwaniec, Timon McPhearson, M. Nils Peterson, Alexandria K. Poole, Louie Rivers III, Shade T. Shutters. “The New Global Urban Realm: Complex, Connected, Diffuse, and Diverse Social-Ecological Systems.” Sustainability 7(2015), no. 5: 5211-5240.
Poole, A., E. C. Hargrove, P. Day, W. Forbes, G. Potter, A. R. Berkowitz, P. Feinsinger, R. Rozzi. (2014) “A Call For Ethics Literacy in Environmental Education.” In Linking Ecology and Ethics for a Changing World, eds. R. Rozzi, S.T.A. Pickett, C. Palmer, J.J. Armesto, J.B. Callicott. Netherlands: Springer. 349-371.
Rozzi, R., J.J. Armesto, J. Gutiérrez, F. Massardo, G. Likens, C.B. Anderson, A. Poole, K. Moses, G. Hargrove, A. Mansilla, J.H. Kennedy, M. Willson, K. Jax, C. Jones, J.B. Callicott & M.T. Kalin. (2012) “Integrating ecology and environmental ethics: Earth stewardship in the southern end of the Americas.” BioScience 62, no. 3: 226-236.
Rozzi, R. & A. Poole. (2011). Habitats-habits-inhabitants: a biocultural triad to promote sustainable cultures. In Sustainable Development: Relationships to Knowledge, Ethics and Culture, eds. Oliver Parodi, Ignacio Ayestaran & Gerhard Banse, Karlsruher Studien Technik und Kultur Seroes, Kalsruher Institut für Technologie, Kalsruhe, Germany. pp. 53-74.
Callicott, J. B; J. Parker, J. Batson, N. Bell, K. Brown, S. Moss, A. Poole and J. Woodling. (2011). “The Other in A Sand County Almanac: Aldo Leopold’s Animals and His Wild-Animal Ethic.” Environmental Ethics 33, no. 2: 115-146.
Rodrigo, E. A.; D. A. Sotomayor, A. Poole & J. C. Pizarro (2010). “Creating a new cadre of academics capable of integrating socio-ecological approach to conservation biology.” Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 83, no. 1: 17-25.
Rodrigo, E. A.; D. A. Sotomayor, A. Poole & J. C. Pizarro, (2010). “Formando una nueva generación de investigadores capaces de integrar los aspectos socio-ecológicos en conservación biológica.” Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 83, no. 1: 17-25.
Rozzi, R., C.B. Anderson, J.C. Pizarro, F. Massardo, Y. Medina, A. Mansilla, J.H. Kennedy, J. Ojeda, T. Contador, V. Morales, K. Moses, A. Poole. J.J. Armesto. M.T. Kalin. (2010). “Field environmental philosophy and biocultural conservation at the Omora Ethnobotanical Park: Methodological approaches to broaden the ways of integrating the social component (“S”) in Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research (LTSER) sites.” Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 83, no. 1: 27-68.
Rozzi, R., C.B. Anderson, J.C. Pizarro, F. Massardo, Y. Medina, A. Mansilla, J.H. Kennedy, J. Ojeda, T. Contador, V. Morales, K. Moses, A. Poole. J.J. Armesto. M.T. Kalin. (2010). “Filosofía ambiental de campo y conservación biocultural en el Parque Etnobotánico Omora: aproximaciones metodológicas para ampliar los modos de integrar el componente social (“s”) en Sitios de Estudios Socio-Ecológicos a Largo Plazo(SESELP).” Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 83, no. 1: 27-68.
Rozzi, R. & A. Poole (2008). “Biocultural and Linguistic Diversity.” In Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy, eds. B. Callicott & R. Frodeman. MacMillan Reference Book. Farmington Hills, Michigan: Gale, Cengage Learning. Volume 1. pp. 100-104.
Anderson, C.B., G.E. Likens, R. Rozzi, J.R. Gutiérrez, J.J. Armesto & A. Poole (2008). “Integrating Science and Society through Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research.” Environmental Ethics 30, no. 3: 295-312.
Anderson, C.B., G.E. Likens, R. Rozzi, J.R. Gutiérrez, J.J. Armesto & A. Poole (2008). “Integrando la ciencia y la sociedad a través de la investigación socio-ecológica a largo plazo.” Environmental Ethics 30, no. S3: 81-100.